• Does professional background influence in temporomandibular joint tissues evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging? 

      Travessas, Juliana Andréa Corrêa; Fontana, Mathias Pante; Silveira, Priscila Fernanda da; Silveira, Heraldo Luis Dias da; Vizzotto, Mariana Boessio; Arús, Nádia Assein (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      Imaging examinations afford more consistent details than clinical evaluation in the investigation process and make the differential diagnosis of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders (TMDs) easier. Aims: This study aimed ...
    • Interobserver agreement in using a checklist for the safe administration of enteral nutrition 

      Silva, Stella Marys Rigatti; Corrêa, Ana Paula Almeida; Santarem, Michelle Dornelles; Assis, Michelli Cristina Silva de; Beghetto, Mariur Gomes (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      Objective: to describe an evaluation of interobserver agreement in the use of a checklist related to the use of nasoenteral tube (NSS) as a presupposition for quality in obtaining data. Method: a methodological study ...