Browsing Exact and Earth Sciences by Title
Now showing items 2886-2905 of 6198
Labeling the oily core of nanocapsules and lipid-core nanocapsules with a triglyceride conjugated to a fluorescent dye as a strategy to particle tracking in biological studies
(2014) [Journal article]The synthesis of novel fluorescent materials represents a very important step to obtain labeled nanoformulations in order to evaluate their biological behavior. The strategy of conjugating a fluorescent dye with triacylglycerol ... -
Laboratório de empreendedorismo na UFRGS : despertando o interesse dos alunos pela cultura empreendedora
(2017) [Journal article] -
Laboratório de ótica : um curso de caráter formativo
(1989) [Journal article]É descrito um modelo de um curso de laboratório de Física básica de caráter formativo, cujos temas centrais são a dinâmica do procedimento experimental, a interação experiência-teoria, a estrutura lógica e conceitual do ... -
La capacidad de comprensión del campo conceptual de la estereoquímica : los desafíos que preceden a los problemas de visualización espacial
(2020) [Journal article]La propuesta de este estudio exploratorio es investigar si los estudiantes de educación secundaria dominan los conceptos básicos indispensables para la comprensión de la estereoquímica, conscientes de que se trata de un ... -
La ciencia como actividad de resolución de problemas : la epistemologia de Larry Laudan y algunos aportes para las investigaciones educativas en ciencias
(2002) [Journal article]En este trabajo se analizan las concepciones epistemológicas de Larry Laudan referidas al desarrollo del conocimiento científico a fin de aportar nuevas cuestiones referidas a las nociones de racionalidad y progreso ... -
La dimension territoriale du développement durable
(2018) [Journal article]Travailler le thème du développement durable est un défi obligatoire pour tous les secteurs de la société, à cause de l'aggravation des problèmes environnementaux et sociaux et de leurs conséquences. L'article analyse les ... -
La enseñanza de conceptos fundamentales de mecánica cuántica a alumnos de graduación en Física
(2014) [Journal article]En este trabajo hemos estudiado la adquisición y retención de conocimiento explícito y las operaciones de pensamiento implícitas en Mecánica Cuántica que han sido hechas por cinco estudiantes de graduación en Física ... -
La formulación de preguntas en el aula de clase : una evidencia de aprendizaje significativo crítico
(2014) [Journal article]En este trabajo se muestran los principales resultados de un estudio que tuvo como propósito valorar la implementación de una propuesta didáctica constituida por diferentes actividades de modelación computacional haciendo ... -
Lançamento horizontal com realidade virtual : jogo educativo para smartphones desenvolvido por estudantes da educação profissional
(2019) [Journal article]Neste trabalho mostraremos um objeto virtual de aprendizagem desenvolvido por um grupo de estudantes do curso técnico em informática integrado ao ensino médio do Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense – Campus Bagé. Trata-se ... -
Land use changes after the period commodities rising price in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil
(2017) [Journal article]At the end of the 20th and early 21st century, agricultural systems incorporated definitively a new mission: to generate goods for a world population that continues to grow and whose way of life demand food with low ... -
Langevin dynamics of fluctuation-induced first-order phase transitions : self-consistent Hartree approximation
(2007) [Journal article]The Langevin dynamics of a system with a scalar-order parameter exhibiting a fluctuation-induced firstorder phase transition is solved within the self-consistent Hartree approximation. Competition between interactions on ... -
Langevin simulations of model for ultrathin magnetic films
(2007) [Journal article]We show results from simulations of the Langevin dynamics of a two-dimensional scalar model with competing interactions for ultrathin magnetic films. We find a phase transition from a high temperature disordered phase to ... -
Langevin simulations of stripe forming systems with long-range isotropic competing interactions
(2016) [Journal article]We address the critical properties of the isotropic-nematic phase transition in stripe forming systems. We focus on isotropic models in which a short range attractive interaction competes with a long range repulsive ... -
La nueva economía metropolitana y sus impactos urbanos y regionales
(2020) [Journal article] -
Laparoscopy versus laparotomy for benign ovarian tumour
(2009) [Journal article]Background: Over the last 10 years laparoscopy and minilaparotomy have become increasingly common approaches for the surgical removal of benign ovarian tumours. However, in the event that a tumour is found to be malignant, ... -
Laparoscopy versus laparotomy for benign ovarian tumours (Review)
(2005) [Journal article]Background: Over the last ten years laparoscopy and minilaparotomy have become increasingly common approaches for the surgical removal of benign ovarian tumours. However in the event that a tumour is found to be malignant, ... -
Large amplitude oscillations in a trapped dissipative electron gas
(2018) [Journal article]A collisional trapped non-neutral plasma is described by a hydrodynamical model in onedimensional geometry. For suitable initial conditions and velocity fields, the Lagrangian variables method reduces the pressure dominated ... -
Large deviations for equilibrium measures and selection of subaction
(2018) [Journal article]Given a Lipschitz function f : {1, . . . , d}N → R, for eachβ > 0 we denote by μβ the equilibrium measure of β f and by hβ the main eigenfunction of the Ruelle Operator Lβ f . Assuming that {μβ}β>0 satisfy a large deviation ... -
Large Deviations for the SSEP with slow boundary: the non-critical case
(2023) [Journal article]We prove a large deviations principle for the empirical measure of the one dimensional symmetric simple exclusion process in contact with reservoirs. The dynamics of the reservoirs is slowed down with respect to the dynamics ... -
Large-deviation theory for dilutedWishart random matrices
(2018) [Journal article]Wishart random matrices with a sparse or diluted structure are ubiquitous in the processing of large datasets, with applications in physics, biology, and economy. In this work, we develop a theory for the eigenvalue ...