Browsing Engineering by Title
Now showing items 2913-2932 of 3985
Nanocompósito de poliestireno com argila montmorilonita
(2004) [Abstract published in event] -
Nanocompósitos de matriz epóxi produzidos a partir de nanotubos de carbono funcionalizados
(2013) [Complete work published in event] -
Nanocompósitos de sílica e nanotubos de carbono obtidos pelo método sol-gel e a técnica de alta pressão
(2005) [Abstract published in event] -
Nanofibras de SiO2 amorfa obtidas por deposição química de vapor por combustão (DQVC)
(2004) [Abstract published in event] -
Nanopartículas : como produzí-las em escala industrial
(2005) [Complete work published in event] -
Nanotubos de titanatos modificados com zinco e sua aplicação na despolimerização de PET pós-consumo
(2017) [Complete work published in event] -
Natural characterization of the low course of the Camaquã River in Cristal city-RS
(2019) [Complete work published in event] -
Naturalness in an effective field theory for neutron star matter
(2004) [Complete work published in event] -
Naturalness of nonlinear scalar self-couplings in a relativistic mean field theory for neutron stars
(2004) [Complete work published in event] -
Neutralização da drenagem ácida de minas com rejeitos alcalinos
(2005) [Abstract published in event] -
Neutrino opacity in high density nuclear matter
(2004) [Complete work published in event] -
New bioactive materials obtained using as raw the minerals deposits of Cuba
(2014) [Abstract published in event] -
A new dinamic and flexible map accounting for hydrological landscape classes using google earth engine cloud platform
(2021) [Complete work published in event] -
A new methodology for evaluation of mechanical properties of materials at very high rates of loading
(2017) [Complete work published in event] -
Newspaper industry lifecycle and market strategies in the context of E-business : a case study
(2013) [Complete work published in event] -
Nitretação a plasma da liga Ti-6Al-4V : variação dos parâmetros tempo, temperatura e mistura gasosa
(1997) [Abstract published in event] -
Nitretação a plasma de aços de baixo carbono ABNT 1020/8620 - variação dos parâmetros temperatura, tempo e composição da mistura gasosa
(1997) [Abstract published in event] -
Nitretação assistida por plasma em aço ferramenta para trabalho a frio ABNT D2
(1997) [Abstract published in event] -
NMPC with state-space models obtained through linearization on equilibrium manifold
(2005) [Complete work published in event] -
Nova metodologia para obtenção de modelos termodinâmicos locais para cálculo de equilíbrio de fases
(2011) [Complete work published in event]